Carding tips for beginners

Procedure :-
1. Use socks5 don't use socks4 or http proxy as they might disclose DNS information that matches the billing address of the cardholder.

2. If your CC comes from the USA, make a drop in the USA and so on for other countries.

3. If the gift option is available on the shop use it, it will give the impression that you are sending a gift to a friend, a girlfriend, etc.

4. Try to make orders before major events such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc. it's an old thing but it works for two reasons. The stores receive a lot of orders these days, your product passarai so perfectly like all the others And in addition it gives impression that you send a gift to a relative.

5. For your security, use a private wifi network cracker or open (public) + change your MAC address, also a VPN in a virtual machine. I suggest VMWare.

6. Use Firefox privately with extensions. Find security-related extensions that do not follow your links, do not delete cookies, LSO & flash cookies, etc. Be creative and explore.

7. When ordering, use gmail / hotmail / yahoo.

8. If your cardholder is John Jones, use an email similar to his name.
Have a VoIP account and call the shop if they need to confirm information.
 Usually, they only ask for information about the CC and the delivery address. if the CC belongs to a woman, use voice changers. Do this even when you confirm orders for male CCs, to hide your identity.

9. It is strongly discouraged to check the DC before making the purchase as most verifiers kill the cc.

10. Check the BIN before acting out. If it's platinum credit, chances are you can buy a lot of stuff. If it's classic flow, its happening too.

12. Try to use different sites and in different ways. do not be lazy because laziness in carding can cost you a lot.

13. Do not tell anyone, do not show. (My rule of thumb), a real little Carder keeps silence until delivery.

Try it at your own risk.
our website or admin do not support anything you do.

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